"ZERO PPM", "OPTIMUM COST OF PRODUCTION", "VISIBILITY", "CONTROL" – These are the TOP WISH LIST of any manufacturing setup.
To help the blue collar personnel managing the shop floor, we have developed a comprehensive software & hardware solution called "smartFLOOR"
We control the CNC machines by connecting them to the enterprise network through Operator’s terminal. Our enterprise solution churns out real time analysis on the overall shop floor efficiency!

Benefits of Smart Floor
- Online Access to Drawings, SOPs and Control Plan
- Preventive Quality Analysis
- Achieve better PPM
- Visibility into Shop floor activities
- Improved Customer Satisfaction
- Improved Cost of Production
- Audit Readiness
- Increase overall shop floor efficiency
Features of Smart Floor
- Web enabled multi user solution
- Integrates with smart phones, tabs and other computing devices
- SMS and eMail alerts, Public display units
- User access control